So this morning, I decided I was tired of looking at this for the past week or so....

That is Gavin's room. Which technically is the game room, and
doesn't have a door on it. So when his room gets messy like this, I have to look at it every time I walk up the stairs.
He has a train table in his room. But it always looks like this...

Because he lays it all on the floor and makes his own track, like this...

Can you spot Kenna in the mess? It's like where's waldo!

This is what his train table is supposed to look like.

And after hours of cleaning this morning, it finally looks decent again!

It will probably won't last till tomorrow though.

After getting the room clean, we went to the pool with my Aunt and her girls :)

Gavin and Mady in the
ice cold water.
&& Kenna with her little
muffin top!
Haha at least its cute on a one year old :)

I found out today that she is a little fish! She absolutely loves the pool. Even though it was like ice, all she wanted to do was splash around in it.
Isn't her little lady bug swim suit adorable!

Group shot! Cute kiddos :)

Notice how Kenna's head is the only one soaking wet? She kept going in face first.

We had a good day :)