When you were watching that video of Kenna walking at Gavin's game, did you notice the cute little shirt she was wearing? If not, take a closer look....

Yes, I am
that mommy, the one that goes out of her way to make a cute little team shirt for her daughter to wear to her son's games.

And proud of it, too!
Here is a picture of Daddy and Gavin out on the field.

One of the positives to Kris not having a job is that he gets to go to all of Gavin's games and practices, and we get to spend more time with him :)

The other night, Gavin got his doctor set out and decided to make Bosco his patient. It was pretty cute so I snapped a picture....

Bosco is so good with Gavin. He takes all Gavin's abuse with a
smile on his face tail wag :)

And last but not least, tonight after dinner, I was getting all the dishes cleaned up. When I got finished and went to get Kenna from her high chair, I found this....

Gavin had given her one of his Oreo cookies. And this was the aftermath, so into the bath she went!

Squeaky clean now :)