Monday, May 31, 2010

Potty trained!

Gavin has been doing SO good lately. Since that night he pooped in the potty, he has been wearing 'big boy undies' and has not had one accident!!!! He is even wearing underwear to bed! Last night at around 3am, I am laying in bed asleep, and I hear "Mommy, Daddy?" I say "What's wrong, honey?" He informs me that he needs to pee pee. He and I both get out of bed and stumble into the bathroom, still half asleep. Gavin gets in the bathroom before me and starts peeing. I get to the bathroom, turn on the light and find Gavin standing up peeing towards the potty. But instead of making it into the potty, he is peeing all over the toilet seat and the floor. By the time I realize what he is doing and tell him to lift up the toilet seat, he is done peeing and already walking back to the bed.

At least he made it to the potty. I would rather him pee all over the toilet seat than in my bed :)

It is fabulous to not have to change a 4 year old's poopy diaper anymore. Not to mention not having to buy pull ups... They are so expensive!!

I am very proud of my little man, even if it did take him 4 whole years.

Fully potty train Gavin.

Friday, May 28, 2010


My little man had surgery yesterday. He had a total dental rehabilitation. Two baby root canals, one tooth removed, & four caps. Although this was his fourth, and easiest surgery, it was harder on him than the last one. He had a different anesthesiologist than the last three times and this guy did not give Gavin pain medicine before he woke up. Which made for a very grumpy Gavin. He usually wakes up pretty calm and quiet and sleeps off the anesthesia. But this time he woke up right away and was throwing himself all over the place. The nurse tried to give him some Tylenol to relax him a little so he could sleep it off but he refused to take any. He was very angry while we were at the hospital and kept saying he was hungry and wanted to go home. As soon as we got out to the car (after being at the hospital almost all day) he was a happy camper again. Gavin always bounces back pretty quickly. He never complained about his mouth hurting or anything and never ended up taking any pain medicine or Tylenol. My little man is a trooper. His only request yesterday was a hamburger and french fries, which he got on the way home. He is the only person I know that can eat a hamburger and french fries 3 hours after having all that dental work done.

The tooth that was pulled out, we got to take home. It was the first time Gavin got to put a tooth under his pillow & he was thrilled when he woke up and saw that the tooth fairy left him three whole dollars :)

& Kenna finally has a tooth!! She popped her first tooth a few days ago and it is finally visible. She has her bottom right tooth and that's all. & She will be one in two weeks. I don't know how she gums all the food she eats!

Gm drove in Wednesday to be here for Gavin's surgery and she went home this morning. She has all the pictures from surgery on her camera so as soon as I get them I will post some. Gavin is doing good today, back to his normal self again & looking forward to having a break from surgeries for a while!

Also!! Saw this on Jacqui's blog (The Ins & Outs of A Stay-At-Home Mom & Wife) and thought I would try it out. I am looking forward to any new followers & will be checking out some blogs and becoming a new follower myself :) Welcome to all the new readers! & thanks Jacqui!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

101 things in 1001 days

So I first got this idea from Mandy over at Mommy Musings, as she celebrated her 100th post. I kind of skimmed over her list yesterday, and left it at that. I found myself thinking about it more and more last night and woke up this morning thinking about it too. So, I decided to make my own list. I googled '101 things in 1001 days' and couldn't believe all the results that showed up. The idea is originally from here. I found this inspiring and decided to create my own; It is much harder than it first appears. I looked over a lot of other lists and it took me all day to make mine; Here it is:

101 Things in 1001 Days
May 25, 2010 - February 19, 2013
(In no particular order)

  1. Finish the photo book I started years ago
  2. Create my own cookbook via Blurb
  3. Order both books (0/2)
  4. Paint the wall above our staircase
  5. Grow and maintain an herb garden in the backyard
  6. Fully potty train Gavin
  7. Get Kenna potty trained early
  8. Take the kids to Florida to visit Kris' grandparents
  9. Take the kids to Disney World
  10. Purchase our own home
  11. Take Gavin to Six Flags
  12. Go on a romantic weekend getaway with my husband
  13. Have some definition in my stomach
  14. Get 100 followers on my blog (0/100)
  15. Do a giveaway on my blog
  16. Photograph a landscape from the same location capturing all four seasons(0/4)
  17. Take the kids to the beach again
  18. Go on a road trip
  19. Get Gavin on a soccer team
  20. Take him to a football game
  21. Go to the Superbowl
  22. Get a massage
  23. Have family game night
  24. Buy a car
  25. Host a Christmas party
  26. Have a BBQ with family & friends
  27. Have a picnic with the kids
  28. Buy a DSLR
  29. Take Gavin to Sea World
  30. Start a business with my husband
  31. Clean out and organize my closet
  32. Donate all my old clothes
  33. Throw a surprise party
  34. Throw a party for no reason
  35. Post an entry on my blog every day for a month
  36. Go to church with my family
  37. Get my children baptized
  38. Go ice skating
  39. Finger paint with Gavin
  40. Learn how to make rugala
  41. Take Kenna to a movie
  42. Become a donor
  43. Fill my charm bracelet
  44. Start a family tradition
  45. Splurge on a great pair of jeans
  46. Grow my hair out
  47. Play in the rain
  48. Smile at strangers
  49. Take my Mom and Gm to dinner - Just the three of us.
  50. Buy something on Etsy
  51. Slow dance with my husband
  52. Renew our wedding vows
  53. Do something special for my MIL
  54. Go on a camping trip
  55. Bake a birthday cake from scratch
  56. Be more affectionate with my husband
  57. Have a snowball fight
  58. Transfer all my home videos to DVDs
  59. Pay off all my store credit cards and get rid of them; They're dangerous.
  60. Open a savings account
  61. Save $5000 (0/5000)
  62. Clean & organize my bathroom
  63. Buy a new mattress
  64. Get Gavin sleeping in his own bed
  65. Send a care package to a soldier in Iraq
  66. Eat lunch at home every day for a week - No takeout
  67. Do something fun and romantic for our anniversary
  68. Write hubbs a letter telling him why I love him
  69. Go for a 30 minute walk every day for a month
  70. Take one photograph every day for a month
  71. Send someone flowers
  72. Start & finish 10 new craft projects (0/10)
  73. Contact 5 old friends (0/5)
  74. Go to the circus
  75. Wish on a shooting star
  76. Watch the sun set
  77. Get a pedicure with my Mom
  78. Get a facial
  79. Write letters to 5 people, letting them know how much they mean to me (0/5)
  80. Pay for someone in line behind me
  81. Drink only water for one week
  82. Get a real tan
  83. Surprise family members by dropping off a home cooked meal
  84. Visit Gm every couple of months
  85. Get family portraits made
  86. Wean Kenna completely
  87. Establish a once a month date night with hubbs
  88. Host a play date
  89. Use a new recipe every day for a week
  90. Steam clean the carpets
  91. Make something sweet for a family member
  92. Visit Brenden & Steve
  93. Take my kids to feed the ducks
  94. Make my husband blueberry pie
  95. Donate blood
  96. Have a garage sale
  97. Get hubbs to take me to a hockey game
  98. Sew something - Anything!!
  99. Take the kids to a big water park
  100. Post an entry for each completed task
  101. When this list is completed, make a new list of 101 things to do in 1001 days

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary to us!

I married the man of my dreams two years ago today. He is such an amazing person. & I know it sounds cliche, but I fall more in love with him every day. We have been through a lot in the past two years and we are still going strong, and so in love. I look forward to 70 more years with him by my side :)

Here is a picture from our wedding reception:
& another from our wedding day:

& This is us today:

I love you so much, honey. Thank you for putting up with me and standing by my side :)

Happy Anniversary, my love.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Busy little bees

I don't know why, but for some reason I just love this picture of the kids. It's just a snap shot I took of them sharing Gavin's little cars chair but it makes me smile :)
Anyway, on to the post! After doing absolutely nothing yesterday. Well, I take that back, Kris and I watched the movie Valentine's Day in between the mounds of laundry that were being done. But other than that, we did absolutely nothing. So by the time 5 o'clock rolled around, I needed to get out of the house. There is a festival going on here this weekend called The Taste Of Addison & we decided to try it out. There was yummy food, good music, and family fun.

Gavin found a few bounce houses...
(wish I had a better picture!)

Then a fountain to play in!
Which he LOVED.
It was a good time. After stuffing our faces, we came home and passed out. We had to be up bright and early this morning for a Tball game at 9am, and had a busy day planned.

I tried to come home and take a short nap but that wasn't what the kiddos had in mind. So to the back yard we went! Here is a picture of Kenna being loud and making funny faces...

There's my sweet girl :)
Today is a day Gavin had been waiting weeks for. We had a play date planned. We took the kids to Chuck E Cheese for a few hours this afternoon, then went to see the new Shrek movie.

Here is a picture of Gavin cheesin' pretty big, and showing off the new Shrek cup he got!
& This is Gavin and his buddy Xavier.

The kids had a lot of fun today. We got home about 8 o'clock and they both passed out pretty quick. I love fun days out with the family :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

He pooped in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night, he said he needed to pee pee, so he went to the bathroom. Next thing I know he is screaming from the bathroom "I'm pooping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and it wasn't an 'I'm so proud of myself for going on the potty!' kind of scream. It was more of a 'Help me, I need a pull up!!!!' kind of scream. When he got finished, Kris and I showered him with pride and told him what a big boy he was. But none of that worked. He was not proud. Or happy. He was mad.

Then this morning I said "I'm still very proud of you for pooping on the potty like a big boy last night." And he replied with "Yeah, I can't believe I did that." Like he was embarrassed or something.

I will have to keep trying to convince him that it is a good thing. It was a break through though. Four years and twenty-six days old and he finally pooped in the potty for the first time. That is exciting news, and I know you all are as thrilled as I am about this :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pool Time :)

Our neighborhood pool just opened on Monday so we took the kids out for a swim this morning :)
Gavin on Daddy's shoulders!
I love this shot of my smiling boy :)

This is an all time fav! It will definitely be put in a frame :)

Babygirl's new favorite face to make. Aahh :o
So funny!
Love love love this! Theres the 'aahhh' face again!
Another frame-worthy photo!
We had a good hour and a half at the pool this morning by ourselves (I hate when its crowded with a bunch of people). Then we came home and made yummy quesadillas for lunch. It was a good day with my little family :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


What is up with me only posting once a week lately? I need to snap out of it!

I am not feeling well today. Yesterday was fine, the kids and I went over to my grandma's to visit for a little while. Then came home and put Kenna down for a nap. When she woke up we ate some lunch and met my aunt at the pool. We were only there for about an hour and it got really cloudy out so we went home. As soon as we got home I felt weird. I handed the kids off to Kris and laid down for a what I thought was going to be a few minutes. I woke up an hour and a half later very sick to my stomach. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I have been throwing up ever since. I was lucky enough to not get the stomach virus Gavin and Kenna had a few weeks ago but I think it has finally caught up with me.

So I will be spending the day laying down, trying to relax.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Work, then relax!

So this morning, I decided I was tired of looking at this for the past week or so....

That is Gavin's room. Which technically is the game room, and doesn't have a door on it. So when his room gets messy like this, I have to look at it every time I walk up the stairs.

He has a train table in his room. But it always looks like this...
Because he lays it all on the floor and makes his own track, like this...

Can you spot Kenna in the mess? It's like where's waldo!
This is what his train table is supposed to look like.

And after hours of cleaning this morning, it finally looks decent again!

It will probably won't last till tomorrow though.

After getting the room clean, we went to the pool with my Aunt and her girls :)

Gavin and Mady in the ice cold water.

&& Kenna with her little muffin top! Haha at least its cute on a one year old :)
I found out today that she is a little fish! She absolutely loves the pool. Even though it was like ice, all she wanted to do was splash around in it.

Isn't her little lady bug swim suit adorable!
Group shot! Cute kiddos :)

Notice how Kenna's head is the only one soaking wet? She kept going in face first.

We had a good day :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Picture Post :)

When you were watching that video of Kenna walking at Gavin's game, did you notice the cute little shirt she was wearing? If not, take a closer look....

Yes, I am that mommy, the one that goes out of her way to make a cute little team shirt for her daughter to wear to her son's games.

And proud of it, too!

Here is a picture of Daddy and Gavin out on the field.
One of the positives to Kris not having a job is that he gets to go to all of Gavin's games and practices, and we get to spend more time with him :)

The other night, Gavin got his doctor set out and decided to make Bosco his patient. It was pretty cute so I snapped a picture....

Bosco is so good with Gavin. He takes all Gavin's abuse with a smile on his face tail wag :)

And last but not least, tonight after dinner, I was getting all the dishes cleaned up. When I got finished and went to get Kenna from her high chair, I found this....

Gavin had given her one of his Oreo cookies. And this was the aftermath, so into the bath she went!

Squeaky clean now :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Media Room Makeover

I had a good and productive weekend. Between tball games, family activities, and chasing after two kiddos, Kris and I gave the media room a makeover. This is what it looked like before...

It was basically a junk/storage room with a TV and couch in it.
Very plain and boring.
These were the two color choices it came down to...
We chose green and got to work. We Kris taped all the edges, covered lights, switches, outlets and layed plastic on the floor and furniture.
It took a little less than two days for us to get all the paint done.
And here is the almost finished project...
I absolutely love the green!
Now we just need to get a counter top, fridge, microwave, and some bar stools, and it will be complete!

But for now it is perfect as our living room. Since we're living in my mother in law's house, this is our quiet place.. nice and cozy!


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