Thursday, December 9, 2010

Meet Buttons

This is Buttons. He is our elf on the shelf. I heard a lot about them getting your child to behave since they think Santa is going to hear about all the naughty things they're doing. So we went out last weekend and picked ours out. You choose the skin color, eye color, and hair color of your elf, then bring him home and name him! Gavin chose the name Buttons (not sure where it came from, but I kinda like it!).

Gavin is all about Santa this year. Last weekend, he got the Toys R Us ad out of the newspaper and clipped out all the toys he wanted, he put them in a Ziploc bag and took them to Santa so Santa would know exactly what to bring him. Yeah, my kid did that. He likes to be specific.

Back to the elf - so at first, he was totally into Buttons, he believed everything we told him (every night he goes to the north pole to tell Santa if you've been good or bad, he watches you all the time, don't touch him or his magic will wear off, etc.). But lately, he's been getting a little suspicious. Yesterday he said to me... "Mommy, I think Santa and his elves made Buttons in their workshop, and they put him in the stores so we would buy him." And today he got his doggy stuffed animal out and hid him, then told me to "find him, but don't touch him or his magic will wear off!"

The kid is smart. I don't know how I'm going to keep this going.

But he does get a kick out of finding him every morning. It's the first thing he does when he wakes up... he goes on a hunt around the house looking for little ol' Buttons.

My husband on the other hand... not so clever. I bought a pair of jeans today. I said to him on the way home 'Oh my gosh, babe... I had to buy a size 30.' He looked at me in disbelief and said "What??? Didn't you used to be a zero? How is that possible?"

Uhh, yeah. I had to explain to him that a zero is equivalent to a 24, a one is equivalent to a 25, a two is equivalent to a 26 and so on. 'Thanks, honey. By the way... that was back in high school, before I had two kids.'

PS- I added pictures to the French Apple Pie post (below) just to make you drool a little more ;)


Little Hatchlings said...

omg...I have been using the Elf on a Shelf for the last 3 years and my 6 year old daughter is deathly afraid of him. The month of December is the best month ever because she is always on her best behavior. Looove my little elf!

Ashley said...

I love hearing what everyone has named their elf. Buttons is so cute!

Carry Grace said...

Buttons is such a cute name.

Jodi said...

We love our elf too - Frisbee!

Congrats on being featured in the Friendly Friday blog hop!

I am a new follower of yours, please follow back when you have a chance.


Design It Chic said...

Congrats on being featured on Friendly Friday! So nice meeting you and Buttons is so cute. I've seen these elf on the shelf thing on several blogs now and i love it:) I am now following you and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday :) See you there! Happy Friday!


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