There are five dogs in my house right now. Our boxer, my Mother in law's two dogs, a schnauzer and a jack russel, I'm pet sitting my Mom's chihuahua for two weeks while she is out of town, and my brother in law is pet sitting his friends dog, and saint bernard puppy. It is total chaos over here. The two big dogs have been running all over the house all day long, knocking down everything in their path, including the kids. The chihuahua is unfriendly and mean.. he hates the other dogs and the kids. And the older dogs are not happy that their house has been taken over by all these mutts. In other news, I have been getting stuff ready for Gavin to start school next week. He will be starting Pre-K on Monday, he'll go for three hours a day and he is not looking forward to it. We're going to meet the teacher night at his school tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that & hoping Gav will be excited for school once he meets his teacher and sees his classroom. So I've been cleaning out his dresser and closet, getting rid of clothes that are too small, and making room for new school clothes. While I was at it, I decided to go through Kenna's clothes, and all of their toys and donate the things they don't play with anymore. It's been a productive week so far! Today we went school clothes shopping, then came home and took a nap, and now its time to make dinner and finish laundry. My day never ends!
I'm participating in the 30 day blog challenge, starting today :)
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