Turned 41 years old today. She has been through a lot in the past two weeks and needed a few nice surprises to cheer her up a bit.
My mom is the type that when you ask her what she wants for her birthday, she always says "Nothing! Don't get me anything!" Well this year she said she wanted a gift card to Target, so of course I didn't hesitate to get her one. We got her a chocolate covered fruit bouquet from Edible Arrangements (they're delish!) and surprised her at work with it. She was very excited to see us and show the kids off to everyone at her office (you know how grandmas are!). A little while after we left, I got an email from her that went something like this...
"Honey, thank you for the gift card. I wanted to show you what you bought me for my birthday..."

When we got home, I put Kenna down for a nap and Gavin and I made grandma a birthday cake.
(Don't mind the mess on the counter.)
He is just like Mommy, loves to be in the kitchen!
Putting sprinkles on the cake!
It took everything in his power to not stick his finger in the cake and lick the frosting off!
Happy Birthday to your mom! Your son is adorable. Thanks so much for dropping and saying hi. I apologize it took me so long to get back to you!
Have a great weekend!
You are such a great person! Very sweet of you!
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