FINALLY got this blog under control! If you looked at it at all in the past couple of days it was probably a MESS! I'm so damn picky when it comes to the layout and stuff so it takes me FOREVER to find something I like. And I don't have photoshop so I cant just make my own :/ Anyway, I changed it up quite a bit so have a look around. I'm still putting a few bits and pieces together. Check out the sites to the left... They have some great stuff!
Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!! We did! Hubby was home and we had some family over for Easter lunch/dinner. Then went to my father in law's for some dessert and more good times :) The kids were showered with gifts and candy. Thanks grandparents! Gavin has been on a sugar high for the past two days and I'm just trying to keep up with him. Did I mention he had his first t-ball practice? It went really well. He got his uniform... It's so cute. I'm gonna try to get a lot of pictures at his first game this weekend! Kenna is taking more and more steps every day. She hasn't mastered the "getting up by herself" part but if there is something next to her that she can pull herself up on... She most definitely will. Then she'll attempt a few steps until she falls on her bottom.
Have to go for now... Will update more soon :)
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