Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Well... today it's more like 'Few Words Wednesday.'

Gav & I made chocolate rice krispy treats!

He is the greatest mixer ;)

Kenna somehow gets up onto the counter in 2 seconds.
Every time I turn around.

Gav doesn't really like his sister helping him with his baking.
Bet you couldn't tell though, right?

My sweet boy and his delicious creation!

& My little monster that wanted to get her face all up in the camera!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My kid, he's a strange one.

I'm still feeling under the weather. Not better, not worse, just the same. But both kids woke up coughing and congested this morning.. worse than yesterday. So I decided it was time to take them to the doctor. I told Gavin he was gonna have to miss school today to go to the doctor. He wasn't too fond of this idea. I had to bribe him with some Chick-Fil-A, then we were off the the doctor's office.

Gavin hates the doctor, he's always terrified he's going to get a shot or their going to poke and prod at him, or maybe rip off his arm. Okay, joking about that last one, but sometimes he makes it seem like that's what he is afraid of. Anyway, the DR comes in and starts asking the usual questions... Is he congested? Yes. Is he coughing? Yes. Does he have a fever? Yes. After every one of my yeses, Gavin follows with a "No I'm not!" or "Mommy I wasn't coughing!!" or "I told you!! I'M NOT SICK!" He was bouncing off the walls as soon as we got into the room and made it completely clear to everyone in the office that he was NOT SICK & DIDN'T NEED ANY SHOTS!!!

Thanks for making me look like a liar, honey. I really appreciate it.

I was sure he had an ear infection, or a sinus infection, or at least a severe cold. Nope. None of the above. DR says he looks great so it must be a mild cold. Add that to my list of parent FAILS. There was no need for him to miss school today, or for me to drag him to the DR's office. Although she did give him a prescription to help his 'cough' and 'congestion' during the night.

Also, you know how I had 'baked tilapia & asparagus' on my menu plan for tonight? Yeah, well that didn't sound good to me tonight, and I decided to have breakfast for dinner instead. I told my son this, thinking he would love the idea of pancakes and waffles for dinner instead of FISH. To my surprise, his response was... "No, I want fisssshhhhhh for dinner!!!"

My strange son ended up eating fish while the rest of us had breakfast. Gotta love him. Strange kid.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

There are a few recipes from last week that I didn't get to so I'm rolling them into this weeks meal plan.

Sunday: Chicken Divan & Egg Noodles

Monday: Hot Dogs & Baked Beans

Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner

Wednesday: Beef Lo Mein

Thursday: Hamburgers, Potato Salad, & Mac N Cheese

Friday: Out

Saturday: Chinese Take-Out

Love the weather, hate the allergies.

I feel like death. Saturday night I got a really bad headache and did not sleep well at all. I started getting really nauseous in the middle of the night (I think from all the drainage). Yuk. & I am not feeling any better today. The low for today is 55 degrees, and with the cool weather comes horrible allergies. My throat feels like it's been rubbed with sand paper, and I cant breathe through my nose for the life of me. Gav and Kenna both have stuffy noses, and hubbs has a sore throat too. We're all feeling under the weather.

On to better news... Our garage sale was a success. We were out there at 7am and by 10:30, ninety percent of our stuff was gone and we were $230 richer. Gav loved having his lemonade stand, and he made about 10 bucks selling lemonade and toys, so he's a happy camper.

Not much else going on over here. The house is beginning to look like a tornado hit it. With everyone being sick, things tend to get a little out of control. Hopefully I can gain a little bit of my energy back today and get this house picked up, but until then, I'll be cuddled up on the couch with my sick babies.

Oh and the Cowboys had their first win of the season yesterday :) That put a big smile on all of our sick faces!

Have a garage sale.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Follow



Friend Finding Fridays


Smart and Trendy Moms

Welcome new followers :) Have a wonderful weekend!

It's Friday!

Tomorrow is my first garage sale EVER! Can you believe it? And we have a 50% chance of rain. yay. Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?

Gav has been waiting for this day for weeeeeks. Which to him is more like years. He is having his first lemonade stand at the garage sale tomorrow :) I'm excited for him. & this morning we went through some of the toys in his room and found a few to put in the sale... Although I'm not sure he'll be feeling the same way about that when people come to buy his toys tomorrow. He may have a slight change of heart.

OH. So yesterday I was walking around the house and found a line of ants in the laundry room. I sprayed them with raid and left it at that. Then this morning I walked in the pantry and found A MILLION of those little fuckers crawling all over the floor. And if you remember from the pantry raid, I have all kinds of stuff sitting on the floor of my pantry. Not good. I cleared out all the stuff from the floor and sprayed in there, then found some more crawling on the two bottom shelves of the pantry!!!!!!!!! I flipped out! Called the exterminator right away and he was here within 30 minutes. He said they're fire ants and he found 3 mounds outside the house and killed them all. Ugh. What a morning! I'm just hoping they don't find a way back inside, I don't think I can handle anymore.

What's on the rest of today's agenda? Laundry (like always!), putting price tags on garage sale items, arranging everything in the garage so I don't have to do it at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning, and then having dinner with hubbs tonight for his bday :)

Happy Friday Everyone!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Hubbs

Today is my amazing, sexy, caring, abnoxious, crazy, loving husband's birthday :)

I love him to death & hope he has a fantastic birthday!

Love you baby ;)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Brownies ♥

These are so delicious. Picture the most delicious, moist, {did I already say delicious?} brownies you've EVER had. This is them. I made a pan for dessert last night. Love love love 'em. My only complaint is this recipe only makes an 8x8 pan, and well, I could eat all of them by myself. So I usually double the recipe, and it still turns out great!

6 oz semisweet chocolate
1/4 cup chocolate syrup
8 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs, lightly beaten
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
pinch of salt (unless you used salted butter)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8-inch square baking pan. Set it aside. Melt chocolate in a saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly to keep from burning. Add the syrup and stir well. Remove saucepan from the heat, and add the butter. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, and salt. Set aside. Whisk the chocolate and butter mixture until smooth. Stir in the vanilla and eggs. Add the flour mixture to the chocolate mixture, and whisk until thoroughly combined. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, and bake about 30 minutes. Just until cooked. Allow the brownies to cool completely in the pan. Then cut into squares and enjoy!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A very good friend of mine

was having trouble finding a layout she liked for her blog. So I made a header and button for her, hoping she would like it as much as I did. & she did :) She loved it. Then she posted a sweet little post all about me. I love her :) She is fairly new to blogging, so go check her out and show her some love. She's a working Mom with a four year old son (same age as Gav) and married to her high school sweetheart. {They're currently trying for baby #2 but... shh I didn't tell you that!} She will be guest posting for me soon and I'm really looking forward to it! I love you, Nikole!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

DIY Projects

Okay so I LOVE crafts. I love DIY projects; whether I'm good at them or not is a different story. But I do love making some great home decor on the cheap! I just wish I had more time for this hobby.

Here is a list of projects I am currently working on.
{yes, I like to take on way too many projects at one time.}

I started these a while ago and need to get them finished!

I see these picture collages EVERYWHERE! & I cant wait to have my own hanging on a wall in our house!

Picture Frame Dry Erase Board

I need something to hang above our bed {since I will be using that picture in the photo collage} and since I don't have the slightest idea how to sew, I found some wall hangings that just require fabric, a hot glue gun, and some canvasses... simple & sweet.

And definitely my most favorite project of all... Canvas prints of the kids. I bought the stuff for this project this weekend, now I'm just waiting on the photos to arrive in the mail and I will have them created and hanging on the wall in no time! I'm doing one of Gavin at 12 months old and one of Kenna at 12 months old :)

Menu Plan Monday

Monday -  Baked Chicken, Mac n Cheese, Steamed Broccoli

Tuesday -Spaghetti & Meatballs with Texas Toast

Wednesday - Pork Tendorloin (a favorite in this house)

Thursday - Out to dinner for Hubbs birthday!

Friday - Beef Lo Mein
Saturday - Probably pizza night.

Sunday - Hamburgers & Hot dogs

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ah, how I have missed all of you!

I'm back! & with a new look! You likey?

I'm so exhausted tonight, I'm just going to leave ya'll with a few of the random thoughts going through my head at the moment...

Where the hell did the "posted by Ciera" at the end of my posts go? I'm not so good with this whole 'designing my own layout' thing.

I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to take the kids to that damn festival today. It was in the high 90's and I spent hours walking around in the heat... with both kids. Never again.

There are still so many things I need to get done for our garage sale next weekend... gahh. I guess I will be taking care of all that tomorrow.

Shall I grab three peanut butter Oreo's {my newest obsession} before heading to bed? Yesss... yumm.

That's all I got. Goodnight loves!

& don't forget to grab my button {over there on the left side!} Thank you :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

I may be MIA for a few days...

I'm ready for a new layout. I don't want to spend money to have one designed. I want to do it myself.

That being said... Please ignore any ugly, mis-matched random things you find on my blog over the next few days. I will be attempting to design a new look. Thanks for your cooperation :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pantry Raid!

Katie over at Cleared For Takeoff is having a Pantry Raid and I am participating! So here you go... have a looksie in my pantry...

Open the door, this is what you get... spices galore!

A look straight inside. (the pantry is under the staircase)
I like to think our pantry is pretty tidy, with the exception of the huge mess in the back (but we never go back there)!

The shelves to the left...
I may be a food hoarder... Or maybe I just have a lot of hungry people to feed???

The shelves on the right side...
They're a little chaotic!

Don't you have a midnight snack?

I have two young children that LOVE their juice & cereal... so I stock up!

If you enjoyed this post and want to link up, you can do so here.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where do you blog?

If you're as nosey as I am, you'll like this post. I've seen this on a few blogs recently and decided it would be fun to share with you my blogging oasis.

There it is. Nothing special. A chair at the end of the kitchen island... That's my spot. With a nice cold beverage, and children in bed... This is where I spend most nights.

And this is what happens while I spend hours on the computer...

So there you have it. My cozy little chair in the middle of the kitchen :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mumbo Jumbo

How was your long weekend? Mine was spent cleaning and organizing the garage. We're having a garage sale in a few weeks and I'm trying to get everything together. I still have to go through the kids bedrooms, and our library of cook books but for the most part, all the hard stuff is done. Oh and Hubbs has to go through the attic but I'm leaving that job totally up to him.

Ugh I've been kind of gloomy lately. I'm so frustrated with the lack of activity on our house and I'm beginning to feel like we're just wasting our time. I guess we did pick one of the worst times to have it on the market. Our realtor keeps reminding us how horrible the market is right now and how its such a buyers market. It totally sucks. Every time I see the for sale sign in our yard it just reminds me that we're getting no where. Blahh :/

Hubbs had to close tonight at work which means he doesn't get home til around 10 and I tend to get a little gloomy on those nights. I have no clue how some wives keep it together with their husbands traveling for work or being gone for long periods of time. I would totally die. Anyway, he came home, then went back out on a taquito run! Yumm! And yes, I will be eating a taquito at 11pm.. Don't judge me.

Any other Mommies out there with kids in pre k? My son came home today with a fundraiser packet! I didn't know they let pre k do fundraisers!! Hubbs said it's because they're so cute & they can sell more than the bigger kids... probably true. & Gav is still loving school... he gets excited to go everyday and is beaming with happiness when I pick him up :) So that makes me happy!

Pork Chops with Creamy Sauce

aka... The only way hubbs and I will eat pork chops :)

6 pork chops
1 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons butter
1 bay leaf
1 cup chicken bouillon
1 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons paprika

Trim excess fat from chops, and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Melt butter in skillet over medium-high heat. Saute onion and garlic in butter until soft and golden. Add meat to skillet and brown on both sides. Lower heat and add bay leaf and bouillon. Cook covered over low heat for one hour. Transfer meat to a plate. Remove bay leaf. Reduce juices in skillet to half by cooking over high heat. Add sour cream and paprika and blend with juices until creamy. Return chops to skillet and smother in creamy sauce. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Task Completed

As hard as this task would have been for me to complete before Gavin started school, it was super easy this week.

Eat lunch at home everyday for a week. No takeout.

It is totally do-able now and I did it this week! When Gavin is home for lunch it's always "Mommy let's go to Chick-Fil-A!" "Mom, can I have Wendy's?" "Mommmmy let's go to lunch with Mady!!" "Nooooo, I don't want a grilled cheeeeese!!" "Mommy get me a happy meal from McDonald's!"


But since he is eating lunch at school, I don't have to hear about junk food all week long. & Kenna will eat anything I throw in front of her. Seriously, she tries to eat the dog food straight from his bowl every night. Easy pleaser.

Goodbye fast food; Hello sandwiches, fruit, and veggies :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Not so bad after all

My day got considerably better after the last post..

I got all most things on my to do list done!

Kenna only napped an hour but I got to blog and catch up on other blogs during that time ;)

After we picked Gav up from school, we stopped to get snow cones and enjoyed them outside at a picnic table in this beautiful weather.

The kids and I enjoyed a nice drive with the windows down, music blaring, and singing at the top of our lungs on the way to pick my MIL up from work.

We went out for brick oven pizza tonight & got frozen yogurt afterwards for dessert!

When we got home, Kenna was so wiped from today that she passed right out in her crib (there was no screaming this time)!

&  now I get to go snuggle up with Hubbs and watch a movie :)

Also found out that the car people want $1200 to fix it. I'm gonna have to wait on getting the AC fixed but if the weather stays like it was today, I should have no problems!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Stupid car

Seriously? I'm in Texas... the temp's lately have been in the 100's... annnddd the AC in my car went out a few days ago. GREAAAT! After suffering through the heat since Monday, I finally took it to the shop yesterday morning. & after having the car all day long, they called at about 6pm last night and said they'll need to keep it over night because they still haven't figured out the problem. Fabulous.

So this morning I planned on quietly waking up around 7am to take my MIL to work so I could use her car today. Yes, quietly... meaning I didn't want to wake either of the kids or Hubbs because I knew they would all be cranky if woken up that early. But to my surprise, Kenna woke up at 6am!!!! And never went back to sleep. I ended up taking her with me on the 30 minute drive taking MIL to work (1 hr total driving) and for sure thought Kenna would fall asleep in the car... nope. After several unsuccessful attempts to get her down for a nap when we got home, I finally just gave up. This child is crank-y! She is cutting teeth, has a runny nose, and is sleep deprived but refuses to lay down.

I finally got her asleep (by rocking her, which I haven't done in months). I have so much stuff to get done, but am too exhausted from fighting her to sleep to do any of it. & I have to pick Gav up from school in an hour so will have to wake Kenna up then.

Can you believe that the high for today is 85... seriously? I could have just driven with no AC today and taken the car in tomorrow. Blahh.

It has been one of those days. & it's only 1:30.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rugelach... YUM!

Can I just take back everything I said about David (from Bachelor Pad) a few posts ago? I take it all back. He is such a sneaky jerk. I don't like him anymore. I still have the hots for Wes though ;) & Did you all watch RHONJ reunion? DRAMA! I loved it! Every bit of it! I hate Danielle, and if she doesn't return for the third season, I will probably do the happy dance. But we'll see... can't wait for the second part on Monday!

I made Rugelach for the first time yesterday. It was sooo yummy; not as good as the little Jewish bakery around the corner from us. But still, it was pretty good for my first try. And let me tell ya... It's not an easy thing to make. It takes lots of time and preparation. But eventually it is hot out of the oven and so deliciously worth all the time and effort put into it. When I perfect my recipe, I will post it.

Hubbs likes his new job, and as much as I thought I was going to be so lonely during the day with him gone... I'm not. I stay busy with both children, and it's a lot easier to keep them on a schedule now. When hubbs gets up for work, we all get up... No more sleeping until 10 for the kids. Waking up earlier, requires an earlier nap for Kenna, so she is napping twice a day now. & it's easier for me to get things done around the house. Then both kids are in bed by a decent hour, everything just seems to be going a lot smoother with Hubbs at work again.

OH! And I won my first giveaway! How exciting! I won a $45 gift code to use at any of the CSN online stores. Ah, what to buy, what to buy; They have so many good things! Thank you, Nikki for the giveaway!

Everyone have a fabulous Hump Day :)

Learn how to make Rugelach.


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