Saturday, July 31, 2010

I love it.

I thought you all would be happy to know that I am not changing the look of my blog for a while.

I made a new header last night and changed up the colors a little bit and I am in love with the new look.


Hope you're all having a fabulous weekend!

Friday, July 30, 2010

That's why we leave the cartoon channel on all day

Am I the only crazy person that feels the need to change the look of my blog every two days?
I thought so. Sigh.

Anyway, Gavin was upstairs playing yesterday evening. I decided to watch the news while I made dinner, so I flipped to channel 9 and started watching. About 30 minutes later, I ran upstairs to change Kenna's diaper. When I came back down to the living room, the news was over and Family Guy was on. I found Gavin, with his eyes glued to the TV, and on the screen where two girls kissing, and throwing the word 'lesbian' back and forth. I quickly grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Then Gavin goes "Hey! I was watching that!" I said "That's not for kids, that is an adult show." He replied with "No, it was a cartoon... Cartoon's are for kids! & I like that show."

that is why we leave the cartoon channel on all. day. long.

Hello new followers & welcome to Mommy Madness :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bath Time

Gavin doesn't really like taking baths with Kenna. Because well, "She slobbers on my toys!!!" is what he tells me every day. But last night after the burritos and queso we had for dinner, Kenna had cheese from the hair on her head all the way down to her toes (I still haven't figured out how she manages to do this).

So it was bath time.

I put water in the tub, clean the kids, throw some toys and bubbles in and they're happy. I start cleaning off the bathroom counter, and I hear Gavin saying "Gross, something stinks." I look over and Kenna's face is beat red and there are two brown 'logs' floating in the tub. Gavin immediately starts screaming... "Ahhhh she pooped!!! Get me out of here!! Get my toys!!!!" I get the kids out, get the toys out, fish out the 'logs' and completely bleach the tub. Then go to start them another bath... Gavin says to me "No, Mommy. I am not taking another bath with her. Ever again!! She is gross."

I had to remind him that he has done his fair share of pooping in the bathtub when he was little. & hopefully he'll change his mind before tonight's bath time so I wont have to be giving them separate baths every night.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Here are some pictures I snapped of the kiddos at the park yesterday...

Can you believe this is the only picture I got of the two of them together? They don't like to cooperate with Mommy's photo shoots!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Me & my little man

Before Kenna was born, it was all about Gavin. He is the first grandchild on both sides, and was the baby of the family for 3 years. He was {and still is} spoiled rotten.

Then Kenna came. Gav wasn't the 'baby' anymore. He was so excited to be a big brother, and for the first six months of her life, he loved having a little sister. He asked me almost every day "when is Kenna gonna get big so I can play with her?" I would always answer with "soon enough, honey."

And soon enough, she was walking. Once she started walking, Gavin's whole perception of being a big brother changed. He no longer wanted a little sister. Instead of asking me when she will be big enough to play, he tells me "Mommy, get Kenna out of my room!" or "Mommy, make Kenna take a nap!" & because Kenna is younger and not as self sufficient as Gav, she gets more of my attention during the day; which has caused Gavin to start acting out. He acts out and does things he knows he is not supposed to, I discipline him, he acts out more. It is a vicious cycle.

I have been trying to spend more time with him. When Kenna is down for a nap, or occupying her self {banging her cup on the floor or feeding Cheetos to the dogs} I try to spend more time with Gav. But it is very rare that she is not being held or taken care of.

So today I decided to leave Kenna with Daddy and Gav and I had a date at the movies. He has been wanting to see Despicable Me since he saw the preview at Toy Story 3. We had a really good time, just the two of us. It was nice to be able to talk to him without any interruptions. I enjoyed my time with him & am going to make a point to take Gav to do something just him and I at least once a month. I love spending time with my little man :)

My weekend

The house has been on the market for exactly one week and we've had one showing. ONE! I'm bummed. The one showing we had was last Wednesday. I was sure we would have some this weekend, because that's when everyone goes out looking at houses but no. Not ONE showing ALL weekend. Where are all the buyers!!!

Well, because I thought we would be having a few showings yesterday, we decided to get out of the house. I put the pot roast in the crock pot, dropped Kenna off at my Mom's and we headed out to look at some houses ourselves. Can you tell that this whole 'selling/buying a new house' is consuming my life?!? It totally is. We spent all day yesterday looking at houses. We got a lot of ideas on what we want in a new home and pretty much know the area we want to move to so it was a productive day. Now if we could just get some traffic in this house.

Also, this weekend... Kenna has started throwing complete tantrums. If she doesn't get what she wants she has a fit. For example, the other day she said 'daaaa' which is clearly 'drink' so I get her cup and fill it with juice. She takes one sip then throws the cup to the floor and screams as loud as she can, stomping her pretty little feet on the floor. Obviously that was not the juice she wanted. Can you say brat? Because that's what my once sweet little loving child has turned into.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I love a great post

I would like to share with you a blogger I recently came across. Her last post is so well written and totally relatable for me and probably all of you mommies out there. I really enjoyed reading it and would like to share it with y'all. So here it is. Take a minute to go read it!

So I had kind of forgotten about my 101 in 1001 list for a while. I was reading it the other day and realized there a few things I need to cross off.... Last week when we were cleaning and organizing the house, we Kris painted the wall above the staircase. & We Kris also steam cleaned the carpets. I had to keep the kids occupied and out of his way while he was completing these tasks so I feel I get some of the credit ;)

Paint the wall above the staircase.
Steam clean the carpets.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Random Post

Outside my window: It looks like its 500 degrees outside and I want no part of that. But I am going to have to get up off my butt and start cleaning the garage in that heat today. Blah.

The time is: 12:04pm

Today I feel: Happy & Productive... well, I will when I get ^that^ done.

I am thinking: Of all the things I have gotten done in the past few days and the only thing I have left to do.

I am going to: Finish this post, then get my ass out in the heat. Yay.

I am wearing: A tank top and shorts.

I wish: It was the end of summer already. I'm ready for fall! & to be moved.

I am reading: Nada. Besides blogs. I don't have time for anything else.

I am working on: Making this house look A-MAZING.

I am hoping: This house sells quickly so we can find a new place.

I am hearing: Gavin squeezing the dogs squeaky toy... It's obnoxious.

Around the house: Everything is neat and tidy... for once in my life :)

One of my favorite things to do: Cookout with my family.

Join the fun! Copy and Paste on your blog!

Also... My book showed up on my doorstep about an hour after that last post. And it is fab!!! I love it :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Waiting and waiting

We spent alllll weekend cleaning, organizing, and donating unnecessary items in our house. All of this because we're putting the house up for sale. It wasn't an exciting weekend for me, but it's over now and everything is nice and tidy in this house. Love that :) And now I get to sit back and relax.

So I ordered my Blurb Book last week. Thursday, I think? Anyway, the tracking info says it will be delivered today so I've been waiting at the front door all day {like a child waiting for Santa to come flying down the chimney on Christmas}. Seriously. It is 4 in the afternoon and still no FedEx delivery!!!

Well I guess I better find something to make for dinner. Ehhh...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A trip to the ER

Okay. So I still haven't been updating much... It's just been SO incredibly busy around here!

But this morning I got a lovely message from a friend of mine saying she recently discovered my blog and loves reading it, which totally made my day. & now I feel the need to post!

Let me start by saying... Gavin has been pooping in the toilet!!! I took some wonderful advice from a friend of mine and started making Gavin get in the shower and clean himself when he pooped in his underwear. Needless to say, he did not like that at all. Remember, this incident? Anyway, after that he stopped pooping in his underwear, and started pooping in the toilet.

Which brings me to yesterday... Gav, Kenna, and I took a trip to Toys R Us to get Gavin the robot he was promised, when he started pooping in the toilet. Every time we go to that store, we spend HOURS there. Gavin can never decide on one toy so we walk around the store a billion times before he decides which one he wants.

This is how my day started yesterday.

After we finally had the robot he wanted in our cart, we went to the girls section to try to find something for Kenna.

{Let me just say that when I go to the grocery store, Kenna sits in the big part of the shopping cart and I pile my groceries on top of her. This way keeps her in the cart, and quiet while I try to get my shopping done.}

So this is what I did at Toys R Us. She was sitting in the big section of the shopping cart and Gav and I were discussing a new robot he had just discovered. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kenna leaning over the side of the cart, and before I know it her head is plummeting to the floor. So with my {cat-like} reflexes, I reach down and grab her by the ankle. By that time though, her head had already hit the tile floor. I pull her up into my arms, and try to comfort her and calm her down. She gets quiet and lays her head down on my shoulder, so I grab Gavin and his toys and rush to the checkout. I get out to the car and Kenna is completely passed out on my shoulder. I put her in her car seat and try to wake her up but she is in and out of a fog and I can't get her fully awake. At this point, I am completely loosing it. I get Gavin in the car, put my flashers on and high tail it to the hospital. As soon as we got to the ER she woke up and was looking around like she didn't know what was going on. After talking to her for a few minutes, she looks over at Kris and goes "dada" and started acting like her normal self again. So we spent a long 4 hours in the ER, the DR looked at her and did a cat scan, he said everything looked fine and to just keep an eye on her and make sure I can wake her up when she falls asleep. Which, I did. All. Night. Long. Because I was so afraid she wasn't going to wake up again.

But everything is fine now. She acted completely normal all day today and her bruise looks a lot better then it did yesterday. It was pretty scary though.

Kris has informed me that if I ever need another career path, I should drive an ambulance. I guess I kind of freaked him out with my driving on the way to the ER. & I probably should have let Kris drive anyway because I just panic in times like this.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I have been such a horrible blogger lately. GM (Granny Mam - My grandmother, the sweetest most wonderful lady in the world!) is here visiting us for a couple of days. It is rare that we get to spend this much time with her at a time so we are taking full advantage of it. The kids and I have loved having her here these past couple of days and wish she could stay longer. But she will be making the drive back to her house tomorrow and hopefully wont stay gone too long. Anyway, while she's been here we've been working on my family photo book, and guess what?!

I got it finished!!!
{you can preview it below}

I have been working on this book off and on for the last 3 years so you can imagine how excited I am to have finally completed it. I can't wait to order it and have it to look at whenever I want. And I have already started my next book!

If you haven't heard of Blurb, you should check it out. It's such a cool program where you can bring all your photos and publish your own book with them. I love it. And it's so much easier than having tons of wimpy little photo albums that tear or Gavin pulls my pictures out of. This is something I will have forever.

Okay, enough rambling about my excitement. I promise to be a better blogger/commenter soon! Thanks for understanding ;)

Finish the photo book I started years ago.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July

Happy {late} 4th of July!!!

We had some crappy weather here on Saturday, which totally messed up our plans for going to a local festival and having a good time. But yesterday we did cook out {love that!} then watched fireworks! It was fun :) Here are a few pics...

Friday, July 2, 2010

The New Do

The old, longer, boring do...

The new, short, fun & stylish do... (and hubbs of course)
It is so freakin short!
But I think I'm finally getting used to it.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What have I been up to?

It took long enough but I finally re-did the look of my blog. Like it? I love it. For now. In a week I'll probably be changing it again. I also re-did the pages so check those out too!

So what have I been doing (besides fixing the blog up)? For one, I chopped all of my hair off. Like, literally... all of it. I will post pictures soon! And my birthday was yesterday. So I spent a lot of time relaxing, hubbs took me to lunch, and my mom came to visit in the evening. It was a nice day. Tonight we're going out to dinner with the whole family so I'm looking forward to that. And I have also been working on my blurb photo book. I got an email from them yesterday saying that all books are 20% off through July 31st so I'm hustling to try and get this book finished so I can go ahead and order it! And until that is done, I probably wont be posting on here quite as often.

Now I am off to finish up the thousand loads of laundry I have to do since I decided to let it just pile up this week :)


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